Saturday, January 19, 2008

hello,terminal three.

Pam showed me one of her livejournal friend's blog.
Her name is Sarah (I didn't get it wrong, did I?)
Oh. and she's a Jap mixed American.(I didn't get this wrong too right?).

I simply like the way she pen down her thoughts.(she didn't pen down much actually.)
I simply like browsing through her photos. (her photography skills is awesome!)
I simply like looking at her funny expressions. (she looks cute when she smile in that retarted way.)
I simply like it when she blog about her typical schoolday.( her school is beautiful!)
I simply like it when she took random candid pics of her friends. (her friends are really neat!)
oh.and I just simply love her Australian way of life.


Went to Terminal Three during dinner break.
I've only been there once before.
but I didn't get lost.
cause Enli was with me. =)

Terminal Three is like a shopping center by itself. (Beams)

Belgium Chocolate Cafe - Guylian. (Drools)

Harris Bookstore. (Yay!)
Oh.this is Eunice Olsen.and she's really beautiful.

I'm so darn exhausted.but yet I manage to survive till 2330 at work serving random tourists,
finishing up that redundant stupid E-Journal and struggling hard with my overdue Jap Hwk.

Well that's because...
My overdue Jap Hwk. (Its in a mess,u see)

Oh.this Paprika flavoured potato stick is really delicious.and thats what keep me awake.
I munched.licked.Bite.Chewed. and I formed alphabets with it. =D

Argh. I've gt work at moronic timing later on again.
5.15pm till 2am?
sucks. but its alright. its will not be that horrible.
cause it'll just be...

me.ebuddy.nightwish.parprika potato stick(again),aeroplanes.tourists(those who don't sleep at night).marshmallow(I gonna bring from home.) till 2am.


oh.and why is blogger timing so screwed up?
aren't it suppose to be 12.38 in the early afternoon now?


Blogger xuan =) said...

hello dear,
cos i think u didn set ur blogger setting timing to 'Singapore' time=)

January 21, 2008 at 10:55 PM  
Blogger maltidada said...



i changed it already. =)

January 22, 2008 at 10:37 AM  

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